Proposed changes to Ashokan release protocol

NYCDEP has requested a modification to the Ashokan Reservoir Interim Release Protocol (IRP).  High level changes include:

  1. the removal of the protocol to allow for Operational Releases;
  2. Modification of the Spill Mitigation Release Protocol which would require DEP to reduce the discharge to the Community Release levels should the turbidity of the Release Channel discharge meets or exceeds 20 NTU.  However, language has also been included to allow Ulster County to submit a written request to DEC and DEP for DEP to continue or restart discharge mitigation releases to achieve the void target as identified in the Conditional Seasonal Storage Objective (CSSO) when the turbidity meets or exceeds 20 NTU.

Comments can be submitted before November 2nd to:

Ken Kosinski, P.E.
Director, Bureau of Flood Protection and Dam Safety
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233

Draft Ashokan Interim Release Protocol