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DEP Reaches 10% void in Ashokan Reservoir

January 23, 2011
Contact: Farrell Sklerov / Michael Saucier (718) 595-6600

DEP Reaches 10% Void in Ashokan Reservoir

Void Created as Part of New Reservoir Protocol Will Further Mitigate Flooding During Future Storms and Includes Allowance for Snowpack

Environmental Protection Commissioner Carter Strickland today announced that DEP has achieved the 10 percent void target in the Ashokan Reservoir called for in a recently enacted Interim Protocol for operating the Release Channel at the Ashokan Reservoir. The new protocol was issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and put into effect on October 18, 2011. The protocol includes minimum community releases from the release channel year round as well as monthly targets for reservoir elevations that will strive to achieve a target void in the reservoir from July through April to better mitigate flooding of the lower Esopus Creek from uncontrolled spill over the East Basin spillway. In addition to flood mitigation, the Interim Protocol helps protect the drinking water of approximately eight million New York City residents and the roughly 160,000 residents of towns that rely on the Catskill Aqueduct such as New Paltz and High Falls in Ulster County, and New Windsor in Orange County. Higher turbidity levels also increase the costs to these communities to treat the water. The Interim Protocol for maintaining voids through releases is similar to what was implemented last year for the City’s Delaware system–a plan that has been credited for mitigating flooding and enhancing recreational opportunities along the Delaware River.

“The 10% void means that the Ashokan Reservoir has a much greater ability to collect water from upstream rainstorms or snowmelt with reduced spillage from the reservoir,” said Commissioner Strickland. “Maintaining voids is something that the local community has asked us to do to provide downstream flood mitigation while still meeting water supply needs, and operating the Release Channel is the only way that we can meet this community demand. The need for this protocol became even more urgent following the devastation of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, which caused widespread flooding upstream of the reservoir and limited flooding downstream. Unfortunately, the upstream flooding has caused high turbidity in our reservoirs and consequently the released water has been higher in turbidity than DEP would like, but operating the Release Channel has helped reduce the risk of flooding in downstream communities through a wet summer and fall.”

The Interim Protocol provides goals for DEP to maintain a 10% void in the reservoir from October 15 to March 15 and an average 5% void from March 15 to May 1 and from July 1 to October 15. The Interim Protocol also guarantees minimum water releases throughout the year to the lower Esopus Creek from the release channel of 15 million gallons per day (MGD) in summer and 10 MGD in winter. The summertime release will be a benefit to creek recreation at a time when the lower Esopus Creek can become stagnant and warm. The protocol is possible in part because of DEP’s multi-million dollar investment in the new Operations Support Tool, a high-tech computer application which allows DEP to better predict reservoir-specific water storage levels, quality, and inflows.

At the time the Interim Protocol was put in place about one month after the hurricane, the Ashokan Reservoir was at more than 100% capacity. Under the protocol, DEP has been releasing roughly 600 MGD through the Ashokan Release Channel, as well as sending on average 220 MGD through the Catskill Aqueduct. Turbidity in the reservoir’s West Basin went from a high of roughly 2,400 NTU on August 29 to its current level of about 45 NTU which shows the trend of the system to settle out over time. The City has been treating the Catskill Aqueduct from Ashokan Reservoir with alum at the receiving basin in Kensico Reservoir since the hurricane in August to maintain public water quality standards.

Following achievement of the 10% void, releases through the Ashokan Release Channel will be reduced to the minimum rate required to maintain the void based on actual and predicted inflows into the Ashokan Reservoir, the amount of water sent down the Catskill Aqueduct required to meet water supply needs, as well as the water held in the snowpack in the watershed. DEP anticipates that the release rate will be approximately 300 MGD based on the current inflow from the upper Esopus Creek. However, at all times, a minimum release of 10 MGD will be made to comply with the protocol and the release rate will fluctuate based on changes in inflows.

The Ashokan Release Working Group (ARWG), which consists of DEP, state and federal regulators, and local stakeholders including Ulster County, towns and villages and non-profit organizations, was formed as part of DEP’s response to the turbid water releases made through the Ashokan Release Channel in late 2010 and early 2011. The group has discussed many of the issues raised by the Interim Protocol and has helped the city issue a property owner survey and conduct site visits this past summer following turbid water releases that occurred last year. Currently, the group is providing input on an impact assessment being conducted by DEP on the effects of water releases to the lower Esopus Creek.

The Ashokan Release Channel is a concrete canal used to convey water, released in a controlled manner, from the reservoir to the lower Esopus Creek. Located in Ulster County, the Ashokan Reservoir is approximately 13 miles west of Kingston and 73 miles north of New York City. The reservoir holds 127.9 billion gallons at full capacity and was opened in 1915. It has a west and east basin on either side of the Dividing Weir and has a spillway for reservoir overflow.

Volume of Ashokan releases decreased today

The Ashokan Release Channel was decreased today from 600 MGD (Million Gallons per Day) to approximately 300 MGD. The decreases were made in approximately 40 MGD increments starting at 11:30AM and completed at 3:00PM.

After months of high volume releases, the Ashokan Reservoir finally reached the Conditional Seasonal Storage Objective of 90% capacity, which allows for a 10% void for flood mitigation.

Lower Esopus Watershed Positive Action Workshop on January 30th

Please join us on Monday, January 30, 2012, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Kingston Holiday Inn to help develop positive actions to improve the lower Esopus Creek. Presented by LEWP, the Lower Esopus Watershed Partnership

As we have begun to characterize the creek and its watershed, we have learned more about why and how it responds to various forces.  We can use this knowledge to implement specific activities that will benefit the watershed and our communities.  Through positive action we not only improve our surroundings, we demonstrate and reinforce our ability to get results.

Together, we will explore, prioritize and detail actions associated with:
• Diverting storm water runoff
• Managing woody debris
• Enhancing streamside buffers
• Exploring municipal land use control options
• Improving emergency preparedness

We will also discuss actions associated with NYC DEP releases from Ashokan Reservoir.

We need you!  Let’s create some doable activities and move into action!  

Refreshments start at 5:30 PM

Monday, January 30th; 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Kingston Holiday Inn, 503 Washington Avenue,
(just off the traffic circle)

Upcoming Public Forum with County Exec and DEP

On Monday, January 23, 2012, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein will host a public forum with New York City Department of Environmental Protection about area concerns including turbid releases into Esopus Creek. The County Executive will be joined by other upstate leaders, NYC DEP representatives and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation senior staff. The event will offer attendees the opportunity to have their voices heard and to ask important questions. The forum is scheduled for 6:00PM on January the 23rd at the John Quimby Theater at Ulster County Community College in Stone Ridge.

LEWP comments on interim protocol

The Lower Esopus Watershed Partnership in cooperation with Riverkeeper prepared comments on the Interim Ashokan Release Protocol. The comments from municipalities and other stakeholders along the lower Esopus were compiled into a letter and submitted to the DEC. The letter calls for a deadline by which time the interim protocol would be replaced by a SPDES permit. Limits on turbidity are also recommended. The letter is available here for download as a PDF.

  LowerEsopusStakeholderCommentsInterimAshokanReleaseProtocol 12-15-11.pdf (108.9 KiB, 1,861 hits)
Comments to DEC by lower Esopus stakeholders on the Interim Ashokan Release Protocol

Ulster County and Riverkeeper petition DEC

Ulster County and Riverkeeper submitted a formal petition to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation concerning the releases from New York City’s Ashokan Reservoir. The petition calls upon DEC to meet its regulatory obligations and uphold water quality standards in the lower Esopus Creek. The DEC is criticized for relying on the Interim Protocol to authorize releases instead of using the SPDES permit program. In October, DEC issued an Interim Ashokan Release Protocol to govern discharges from the Ashokan Release Channel. Unlike a SPDES permit, the interim protocol did not contain any formal provisions for environmental review or public comment. The petition from UC and Riverkeeper reminds DEC of requirements spelled out in state Reservoir Release Regulations.

Read more…

Release Channel closed

The Ashokan Release Channel was shut down at 1:30AM today from 600 MGD to 0 MGD. This was due to Mt. Marion reaching action level. The protocol for the release channel stipulates that the channel be closed whenever the Mt. Marion gauge reaches 17-feet to prevent reservoir releases from adding to flooding threats. Levels on the Esopus Creek at Mt. Marion rose overnight due to rainfall runoff.

DEP balks on December public forum

Yesterday, DEP stated through a spokesperson that it cannot make a public forum before year’s end, reported Adam Bosch of the Times Herald-Record. On Thursday, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein emerged from a meeting with the DEP and announced the prospect of a public forum in December to address ongoing issues with DEP operations in Ulster County. DEP said it did not agree to the abrupt timeline for the forum but is nevertheless willing to participate in a public forum. Read more…