from National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
NOTE: The data are from automated sensors and are courtesy of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. They are provisional and subject to change.
Flood Impacts (in feet)
591 Major Flood Stage
590 Moderate Flood Stage
589 Flood Stage
587.1 Action Stage: Reservoir at spillway level and begins to overflow into the EsopusCreek downstream. Downstream flooding is referenced to the Mount Marion gage.
586.5 This basin is nearly full and only 0.25 inch runoff is needed to start spilling over into the Esopus Creek downstream.
585.79 This basin has capacity for only about 0.50 inch of runoff before it will overflow into the Esopus Creek downstream.
585.1 This basin has capacity for only about 0.75 inch of runoff. It is getting close to full.