Tag Archives: esopus creek

Reservoir Release Workshop

The Lower Esopus Ashokan Reservoir Release Workshop
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6:30 – 8:30 pm
@ Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County
In their new Kingston Plaza location at 232 Plaza Road
RSVP cbalmer@rcapsolutions.org

Thank you to all who were able to attend the LEWP-sponsored Lower Esopus Positive Action Workshop at the end of January. We are in the process of confirming and revising the priority projects that were identified during the workshop. One of the major activities we have been pursuing since then is the removal of log/ debris jams along the stream. LEWP is helping coordinate a funding application that is being submitted by Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District in early April. This funding is for debris sites that did not meet the imminent threat criteria required for funding through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.

For many of you, the biggest concern is with water quality and quantity associated with releases from the Ashokan Reservoir. LEWP is holding a workshop to provide updates on this issue, including details of NYSDEC/ NYCDEP’s Interim Release Protocol; and to document your concerns and identify community action steps. Please save the date and email RSVP to Candace Balmer cbalmer@rcapsolutions.org.

Ashokan Release Channel Operations 3/2/12

The Ashokan Release Channel was increased today from 80 to approximately 120 MGD. The increase was made in one 40 MGD increment at 2:35 PM. The increases were made in response to additional snowpack in the Ashokan watershed and to offset a decrease in the diversion from the reservoir into the Catskill Aqueduct. The increased releases will help maintain the void in the reservoir for flood mitigation according to the Conditional Seasonal Storage Objective outlined in the Interim Protocol. Turbidity levels for the releases are currently less than 30 NTUs.

Volume of Ashokan releases decreased today

The Ashokan Release Channel was decreased today from 600 MGD (Million Gallons per Day) to approximately 300 MGD. The decreases were made in approximately 40 MGD increments starting at 11:30AM and completed at 3:00PM.

After months of high volume releases, the Ashokan Reservoir finally reached the Conditional Seasonal Storage Objective of 90% capacity, which allows for a 10% void for flood mitigation.

Lower Esopus Watershed Positive Action Workshop on January 30th

Please join us on Monday, January 30, 2012, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Kingston Holiday Inn to help develop positive actions to improve the lower Esopus Creek. Presented by LEWP, the Lower Esopus Watershed Partnership

As we have begun to characterize the creek and its watershed, we have learned more about why and how it responds to various forces.  We can use this knowledge to implement specific activities that will benefit the watershed and our communities.  Through positive action we not only improve our surroundings, we demonstrate and reinforce our ability to get results.

Together, we will explore, prioritize and detail actions associated with:
• Diverting storm water runoff
• Managing woody debris
• Enhancing streamside buffers
• Exploring municipal land use control options
• Improving emergency preparedness

We will also discuss actions associated with NYC DEP releases from Ashokan Reservoir.

We need you!  Let’s create some doable activities and move into action!  

Refreshments start at 5:30 PM

Monday, January 30th; 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Kingston Holiday Inn, 503 Washington Avenue,
(just off the traffic circle)

Upcoming Public Forum with County Exec and DEP

On Monday, January 23, 2012, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein will host a public forum with New York City Department of Environmental Protection about area concerns including turbid releases into Esopus Creek. The County Executive will be joined by other upstate leaders, NYC DEP representatives and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation senior staff. The event will offer attendees the opportunity to have their voices heard and to ask important questions. The forum is scheduled for 6:00PM on January the 23rd at the John Quimby Theater at Ulster County Community College in Stone Ridge.