
  Esopus Creek Powerpoint Presentation.ppt (2 bytes, 2,559 hits)
PowerPoint watershed overview

  Lower Esopus Creek Meeting 14 June 2007.pdf (68 bytes, 1 hits)
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  LowerEsopusWatershedMap.pdf (328 bytes, 1,718 hits)
Map of watershed

  Lower Esopus Watershed Valley and River Segments.pdf (512 bytes, 1,876 hits)
Map of stream segments

  Ashokan Reservoir Operations.pdf (3 bytes, 2,947 hits)
DEP presentation at 12/17/10 meeting.

  Esopus Creek Biological Stream Survey 2007.pdf (unknown, 2,219 hits)
Watershed Assessment

  Interim Release Protocol (135.8 KiB, 1,923 hits)
DEC/DEP Interim Ashokan Release Protocol

  Water Quality Monitoring for Releases (68.7 KiB, 1,635 hits)
Water Quality Monitoring Plan for Release Channel Operations

  LowerEsopusStakeholderCommentsInterimAshokanReleaseProtocol 12-15-11.pdf (108.9 KiB, 1,856 hits)
Comments to DEC by lower Esopus stakeholders on the Interim Ashokan Release Protocol

  A Journey Through Lower Esopus Creek (6.5 MiB, 5,608 hits)
A book about the history and ecology of the Lower Esopus Creek, available in PDF format.

  Esopus Estuary Habitat (7 bytes, 343 hits)
Description and Map of Esopus Estuary as Significant Fish & Wildlife Habitat from NY Department of State Office of Communities & Waterfronts

  Saugerties Waterfront Tidal Flood Levels and Recent Crests (54.3 KiB, 223 hits)

  2009 Esopus Valley Biodiversity Assessment Report (5.4 MiB, 272 hits)

  2005 USGS Report, Flood of April 2−3, Esopus Creek Basin, New York (21.8 MiB, 308 hits)

River Reconnaissance Report 2009

  Section 905 b Reconnaissance Study Esopus.pdf (4 bytes, 3,183 hits)
USACE analysis

  River Reconnaissance Report 2009.pdf (5 bytes, 2,725 hits)
Preliminary watershed study

  Appendices River Reconnaissance Report 2009.pdf (3 bytes, 1,817 hits)
Maps, photos and FEMA flood profiles

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