Use the map below to navigate to the sub-basin maps for each shaded area in the Lower Esopus Watershed or use this link to view in a new tab. The shaded areas in the map below correspond to the three “valley” segments in the Lower Esopus Watershed, as outlined in the Lower Esopus Watershed Management Plan. (Four shaded areas appear in the map below because Valley 2 has been further divided into a “lower” and “upper” sections.) The division of the watershed into sub-basins — smaller drainage areas within the larger watershed — facilitates planning and watershed protection efforts by making it easier to pinpoint the source of problems or specific sites in need of remediation or protection.
The maps illustrate the sub-basin boundaries and the locations of streams that drain them. Other natural resource “layers” can be turned on and off to show the location of features within each sub-basin and across the watershed. Users can zoom and pan to different locations, measure distances and areas, and print a map or make a PDF from the current view on the screen. See the draft guide to the Lower Esopus Watershed Sub-basin Web Map Series for more information on how to use these and other features.
For best results please view this page and the sub-basin maps using the most recent verisons of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari (Macintosh).
Map data was obtained from various agencies directly or through the New York State GIS Clearinghouse and Cornell University Geographic Information Resource (CUGIR). Links to online metadata for each layer, where available, appear in pop-up windows for each feature.
These maps were created by the CCEDC GIS Lab in coordination with Hudsonia Ltd. for the Lower Esopus Watershed Partnership. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation provided funding for this project from the Environmental Protection Fund through the Hudson River Estuary Program in partnership with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.
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