Category Archives: Ashokan Release Channel Operations

Public review and comment period for ashokan releases

Available for Public Review and Comment: Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Modification of the CATALUM SPDES Permit, and Draft Permit. This includes Proposed Action in Lower Esopus Creek as part of the revised Ashokan Reservoir Release Protocol. Written public comments will be accepted on the Draft EIS until March 16, 2021. A virtual public comment hearing on the permit application and the Draft EIS will be held before at 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 4, 2021, through the Webex Events electronic webinar platform. Information on how to provide public comment and participate in the Virtual Public comment hearing can be found here.

Weekend reservoir release related to recreational whitewater event

NYC DEP increased the Ashokan Release Channel flow rate from 15MGD to 150 MGD to mitigate the impact of a NYS DEC requested whitewater release from Shandaken Tunnel Portal this weekend for an event on the upper Esopus Creek sponsored by the Kayak and Canoe Club of New York. Releasing water from the reservoir in advance and during the whitewater release from the tunnel will mitigate any potential spills from the reservoir since reservoir level is close to 100% capacity.