Ice may move when lower flows begin

Ice on the creek that has formed over a high volume flow might be going through some adjustments when lower flows begin.

Beginning at 1pm on Friday January 28, 2011, the high-volume flows from the Ashokan Release Channel switched from the turbid West Basin to begin releasing cleaner water from the East Basin. This will continue for three days to help flush out turbidity from the Lower Esopus Creek, after which lower flows are expected. As water levels drop, the creek ice is expected to readjust, which may cause cracking and ice instability.

The clear water flush of the creek is a short term solution, but it is a first step to having clean water releases for stream health. This will need to be followed up with monitoring to understanding the harm done to the Lower Esopus Creek and downstream communities by the prolonged, high-concentration turbid water releases from the West Basin of the Ashokan Reservoir.

See NYC DEP press release: Statement from NYC Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas Holloway On End of Turbid Water Releases from the Ashokan Reservoir.

Ulster County Exec shares views on DEP pollution

Ulster County Executive Michael Hein’s office released an Issue Brief which outlines the County Executive’s position on NYC DEP’s pollution of the Lower Esopus. The Brief provides a helpful summary of the turbidity issue and a course of action to correct the issue. In the Brief, the County Exec insists that the NYC DEP must:

  • Stop releases immediately.
  • Develop clear water flood mitigation strategies.
  • Rescind all decisions that led to the strategy of sending polluted water down the Esopus.
  • Conduct studies involving all parties and consider all alternatives.
  • Institute low-flow releases in accordance with New York State law.
  • Download entire Issue Brief here:

      UC Esopus Brief.pdf (650.8 KiB, 923 hits)
    Issue Brief from Ulster County Executive Hein on the NYC DEP Pollution of the Lower Esopus

    Lack of data on impacts of turbid releases

    The NYC DEP continues to discharge turbid water from the Ashokan Reservoir without a study or review of the downstream environmental impacts. Fish and macroinvertebrates could be harmed by prolonged turbid conditions in the creek. Spider Barbour, Town of Saugerties representative to the Lower Esopus Watershed Partnership, addressed the urgency of the situation: “We need a solution as absolutely soon as possible, because I’m worried about what’s going to happen in the spring with all these fish and other animals, microorganisms and aquatic insects such as dragon flies and damsel flies, because those are important food sources for the amphibians and birds and all of these other parts of the food chain along the creeks,” he said. Read more in the Daily Freeman.

    Working group to negotiate water releases

    As the outcome of a meeting with LEWP on December 17, the NYC DEP announced plans to make clear water releases from the Ashokan Reservoir for downstream benefits. Mary McNamara, outreach coordinator for LEWP, commented on the historic nature of this announcement: “In the history of the Ashokan Reservoir…there have never been clear water releases for the health of the receiving water bodies.” LEWP will be part of a working group that will advise the DEP about managing reservoir releases. DEP’s announcement was encouraging news, but concerns remain over the ongoing turbid releases in the lower Esopus Creek. Read entire article in the Daily Freeman.

    Ulster County, New York